Web Development

By ITBI, CUET Categories: Phase 02
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About Course

Course by:

IT Business Incubator, CUET
Chattogram-4349, Bangladesh.
+88 01978-464904, +88 01601-063910

By the end of this course, learners will be able to:

Schedule (Phase - 02)

Offline Batch: Friday & Saturday 10.00 am to 1.00 pm
Online Batch: Friday & Saturday 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm


  • A foundational understanding of computer software
  • Basic proficiency in Internet usage

Course Coordinator:

Dr. M. Moshiul Hoque
Professor, Dept of CSE, CUET
Director, IT Business Incubator in CUET
Former Dean, Faculty of Electrical & Computer Engineering, CUET
Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section


1. Ratul Bhowmick
Senior Software Engineer, Programming Hero
Trainer 8IT Project, BHTPA

2. Avishek Chowdhury
Senior Software Engineer, Diligite Ltd.

Course Modules


This course is designed for individuals interested in pursuing a career in Web Development 

. Ideal participants should have:

  • A foundational understanding of computer software
  • Basic proficiency in Internet usage

Our courses will be conducted by a combination of faculty from CUET and industry experts, ensuring a comprehensive and practical learning experience.

We offer the course in both formats. You can enroll in either an online or offline batch, depending on your convenience.

No specific qualifications are required to enroll. However, having a basic understanding of mathematics and statistics will make it easier to grasp machine-learning concepts.

Yes, recordings of each class along with additional educational materials will be accessible on your dashboard within 24 hours after the class concludes.

Upon successfully completing the course and passing the assessment, you will receive a certificate issued by CUET. This certificate will serve as proof of your skills and knowledge.

Yes, waivers are available. To apply, accurately fill Waiver Application form and submit it. After submission, you will need to take an online assessment test. Based on your application, CV, and assessment results, waivers ranging from 20% to 30% may be granted.

You can enroll either online through our website (www.itbi-cuet.com) or by visiting the office directly. Register on our website and select your desired course by clicking the ‘Enroll Now’ button. If you have a waiver coupon, apply it before confirming your cart. Then, proceed to checkout and complete your payment using the SSLCommerz gateway. For detailed instructions, please refer to the file: Enrollment Process.

Yes, you can enroll in multiple courses. However, please ensure that the schedules of the courses do not overlap.

Generally, batch changes are not permitted. However, you may contact the authorities for special circumstances to discuss your request.

Yes, there is accommodation available at the IT Business Incubator’s dormitory, with a cost of 600 BDT per night.

Course Content

Prerequisite Classes

  • Class 01 | 03 January 2025
  • Class 02 | 04 January 2025

JavaScript Fundamentals

HTML and CSS with Tailwind

Git and Version Control

Introduction to Web Development with React and Basic Web Technologies

React Components and Styling

Routing and Navigation in React

Working with APIs and Data Management in React

Advanced State Management in React

Advanced Topics in Reac

Basic Knowledge in Next.js

Project Refinement and Q&A

Student Ratings & Reviews

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